
March 06, 2012

The morel, an apart mushroom for collectors.

Welcome on my blog !

The morel has a special place among mushroom collectors.

Indeed, this fungus is particularly difficult to find, it happens quite early in the season and is especially delicious.

I had the opportunity to find some in many regions according to my successive removals.
When I arrived in this region, thanks to my experience
and a little free time in 2011, I decided to find out if this region was a "terra morchelarum", "land of morels".

First of all, and to understand the magnitude of this quest, I must tell you that in the opinion of our own old-timers and barflies, there is little or no or otherwise there are secret places where some people are able to collect full wheelbarrows !
If cities have their urban legends, in the countryside, we are not standing still!

From a more objective point of view, I must recognize that the land doesn't lend itself too much to their growth and that this region doesn't have the same reputation as other regions more generous for morels.

I don't pretend to teach you some secret or to tell you a special thing which will be able to help you to find mountains of morels.
I don't pretend either to write a scientific article.
No, I just want to show you my way of thinking thanks to my peregrinations. Something that you can read and follow like a kind of documented travelog or a simple serial.

So now, follow me and let's go !

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