
April 24, 2012

And here are St. George's mushrooms !

Out prospecting, this Saturday, April 14, 2012, in a limestone area, looking for yellow morels, Morchella esculenta.

No morel was found, but a beautiful fairy ring of St. George's mushrooms - Calocybe gambosa.

These are the first, but the growth promises to be particularly abundant and dense.

April 23, 2012

A beautiful picking of morels

April 5, I had spotted small morels finally growing thanks to some showers in my biotope #1 less wet than my biotope #2.

The result is up to my expectations this Tuesday, April 10, 2012.

Besides beautiful morels weighing up to 25 grams, I found that many small morels showed the tip of their cap.

April 16, 2012

Morels again !

Saturday, April 7, during a walk with my dog, I moved quickly on my biotope #2 where I left a few small morels grow.

Despite the lack of rain, they have grown well, hiding in the vegetation to take advantage of moisture.

Hidden morel, Morchella elata
Hidden morel.

Hidden morels, Morchella elata
Hidden morels.

Morel - Morchella elata

I haven't had time to return before this Tuesday, April 10 because of Easter weekend.

April 07, 2012

New growth of morels !

Morchella elata in my biotope #1 before the rain
Morel in my biotope #1 before the rain.
 A few days ago, I was worried because of the drought.

My biotope #1 had shown me only a single morel.

Thanks to the rain of recent days, I was surprised that many small morels were coming out.

In 48 or 72 hours, some beautiful morels will surely be collected.

Young Morchella elata

Young Morchella elata

Young Morchella elata

Young Morchella elata

Young Morchella elata

Young Morchella elata

In my biotope #2, I took the opportunity to pick up some nice size morels spotted a few days ago.

Young Morchella elata
A beautiful picking of big morels.

April 04, 2012

First Morels 2012 !

And here are my first morels 2012, nice Morchella elata, spotted one day before, growing under old apple trees, brambles and bushes in my biotope #2.

Hopefully, the long awaited rain will finally fall to promote their growth.

Morchella elata
Morchella elata.
Morchella elata
Morchella elata.

April 03, 2012

My spots for morels - second part

The third station is also very classic :

it is a grassy area with three trees.
In this area grew morels - Morchella esculenta.
I don't know if implantation is perennial or pioneer as the first morels appeared next to an area with recent fire.

Morchella esculenta in the grass beside a recent fire place
Morel beside a fire place.

Morchella esculenta
Morchella esculenta.

Morchella esculenta
Morchella esculenta.

The fourth station is a bit special

My spots for morels - first part

I present you the spots for morels that I discovered in 2011.

My first spot is classic :

it's a fallow area with european aspens.
In this area, two places of morels - Morchella elata - are located just meters.
By analyzing the ground a bit, I also found the remains of old fire place. I also found some morels at the foot of aspen up to 40 meters of the two main places.
This is probably an area where the implantation of morels is perennial.
Morchella elata
Morchella elata.
Morchella elata
Morchella elata.

Biotope for Morchella elata with Populus tremula
Biotope #1 with european aspens.

My second station is also classical :